Over the half term break we’ve had some new doors and access controls fitted. This has been done to improve the security of the school site and, along with the fencing works around the back of school that were completed over the summer, represents a significant investment from our academy trust.
To make best use of the new systems there are a few changes to note:
From tomorrow (8th November), we will only open the main gate by the infant playground in the morning. Children in Class 1 should then enter school through the door at the far end of the playground, as before, and children in Classes 2 and 3 should enter through the door by Class 2 that leads into the library. Both gates will be opened at the end of the day.
If you need to visit school during the day, then please use the buzzer on the main gate as before. There is currently no buzzer on the front door to the school so please knock if you need to get in to see staff in the office.
We have removed the gate release button that was on the front of the school building so if you are in school for any reason after the gates have closed then you will need to be let out by a member of school staff.