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Darley Churchtown

CofE Primary School

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We are very fortunate to have a committed and dedicated team of governors who sit on our Local Academy Committee. Their role is crucial in the development of Darley Churchtown CE Primary School.


The law states that the purpose of governing bodies in our type of school, is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school' (Section 21(2) Education Act 2002).


Our Local Academy Committe are focused on teh following areas:

  • Standards
  • Stakeholders
  • Safeguarding
  • SEND
  • Finance

Our Chair of Governors can be contacted via


Please find below details of our Local Academy Committee, including the names, categories, responsibilities for each Governor.

Local Governing Body

Chair of Governors: Elisabeth Stanners

Staff Governor: Sophie Preston

Parent Governor: Kim Birds

Parent Governor: Laura Jackson

Trust Governor: Diana Wills



Governor Hub

All of our governor minutes, plans, records of visits and self evaluation are stored securely on Governor Hub.

DDAT Local Governing Body Handbook

Governing Body Membership/Constitution
