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Darley Churchtown

CofE Primary School

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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a time when we come together, every day, as a community to share, reflect and build on our school's Christian values.


In Collective Worship, we have plenty of opportunities for spiritual development and developing a sense of awe and wonder. We have an opportunity to worship and celebrate, think about our own beliefs and understand the beliefs of others. Each half term we focus on a different value. We consider these from a Biblical perspective, using passages and stories from the Bible, and also from a secular point of view, through carefully considered texts that deepen children's understanding.


We invite external organisations to lead acts of worship in school and also visit St Helen's Church on a regular basis where Reverend Stephen leads our worship. Throughout the year, we celebrate key events in the liturgical calendar and artworks, prayers and reflections produced by the children are displayed in Church to reinforce the links between our school and the community that it serves.


Our worship is based on the Roots and Fruits publications and the values are drawn from this and from our discussions with our school community. These are underpinned by our school vision to: "Aim high and believe, grow and succeed," and by our Biblical inspiration from Matthew 19.26, "With God, all things are possible."
