We are pleased to be closely associated with our Church, St. Helen's and our Minister Rev. Stephen Monk.
St. Helen’s Church is less than 100 yards from the school gates. It‘s been around a very long time but this is YOUR church. We are an Inclusive Church and everyone in the community is welcome at any of our services and social events. It doesn’t matter what you believe or don’t believe.
The Sunday services are posted on the noticeboards outside church and on the website.
The Family Service is on the second Sunday of the month, alternating between St. Helen’s and St. Mary’s at South Darley. Different church members lead them and they often involve creative activities, in which we learn while enjoying something new.
Open Door is a less formal, disability friendly service for all ages. It is held at 2 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month.
There are different activities for children to choose from at Open Door and a café style area for adults. If you think church might be traditional and a bit formal, come and find out it can be just the opposite!
If you are not able to come on a Sunday why not drop in to our Coffee, Chill and Chat which is held on a Thursday from 8.45 a.m. to 12 noon during term time? There are activities and toys for pre-school children, and adults can have a go at craft activities too if you are feeling creative. Plus, the coffee is fresh, and there is toast as well as biscuits if you feel peckish!
Chill and Chat with Coffee on Thursdays
8.45am to 12noon in term time only
Toys available for pre-school children.
Bring the children. Bring a friend.
Come alone.
Everyone is welcome!
One way we support the school is by letting them use the church hall for activities when required (such as gymnastics sessions) but it’s also available for private hire and has seen a few children’s parties there (see St. Helen’s website).
We aim to be ‘a church where the love of Jesus unites us as a family as we prayerfully serve our local community’.
If you need a listening and confidential ear, you can contact us. You can talk about anything. Please contact Revd. Stephen Monk on 01629 734257 or email rev.stephenmonk@btinternet.com or via the website, www.sthelensdarleydale.org.uk
More information about St Helen's Church can be found here: St Helen's Darley Dale