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Darley Churchtown

CofE Primary School

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Vision and Values

Our vision: "Aim high and believe, grow and succeed."

At Darley Churchtown we develop the child's full potential academically, physically, morally, spiritually and socially. In the process of achieving this, the following aims have been agreed:
  • To stimulate a love of learning in a child by offering a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum encompassing the National Curriculum;
  • To do the best for each child in an atmosphere of Christian worship, values and relationships in a happy, secure and safe environment;
  • To ensure equality of opportunity for all our pupils regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability or belief;
  • To encourage each child to grow in personal motivation, self-confidence and to celebrate achievements;
  • To help each child to take responsibility for their own behaviour and foster co-operation and respect for others in all circumstances.


We believe that children who are given the right support, encouragement and aspiration can grow to become incredible individuals who not only have the capacity to lead successful and enjoyable lives but also to support others around them. This is our aim for every child who attends our school and is summarised in our school vision statement:


"Aim high and believe, grow and succeed."


When defining our vision, we drew inspiration from the words of Jesus, when he said: "With God, all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26). We encourage children to reflect on these words and believe they can reach their goals through dedication and perseverance.


Underpinning our vision, are six values that children learn about and experience continually throughout their time with us. These are:


  • Friendship
  • Respect
  • Generosity
  • Courage
  • Forgiveness
  • Perseverance


Each half term, we plan our worship around one of these themes and celebrate children who are excelling in demonstrating the chosen value. We have embedded these ideas in our curriculum and make reference to them through lessons, extra-curricular activities and the wider life of the school.

Identifying our school vision


During the 2022-23 academic year we evaluated the school vision and consulted with parents, the community and Church leaders to get their views on the purpose and direction of the school. The word cloud below shows the feedback from parents and we received similar feedback from other groups. Staff then worked together to create a vision that we felt fully represented the context of the school. This was discussed with pupils and introduced in September 2023.
