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Darley Churchtown

CofE Primary School

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  • March update

    Tue 28 Mar 2023 Mr. O'Connell



    I hope this message finds you well.


    Many thanks taking the time to contribute to our recent surveys about our vision and draft RSE curriculum.


    You can view a summary of the responses below or in the newsletter available under Parents/Newsletter.


    Many thanks,


    Mr. O'Connell


    Fri 10 Mar 2023 Mr. O'Connell


    Good morning Darley Churchtown CE Primary school,


    Due to the heavy snow across the local and wider area, combined with the poor driving conditions, our school will be closed today for all children.


    As you can appreciate many staff travel into school and, despite best preparations, are snowed in, and unable to travel into school. This means that we are unfortunately unable to safely open our school site, unable to provide catering and unable to provide safe staffing levels.


    Staff from school will be sharing some available learning which children can access to help them practise key skills such as reading. We've no doubt that there will be time to enjoy the unusual heavy snow.


    Many thanks for your time and continued support.


    Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Lloyd

  • Snow update

    Thu 09 Mar 2023

    Dear parents and carers,


    Many thanks for your help and understanding when collecting children across the afternoon. It is lovely to see all our children and staff safely home at the end of the school day.


    As you’re no doubt aware, the weather forecast for the local area is predicting heavy snow later this afternoon and into the evening.


    We will continue to closely monitor the weather conditions, as well as the safety of the school site and local roads, and make a decision about opening on Friday by 7:15 a.m. tomorrow morning. If school is closed tomorrow, we will inform you by text message and will also place the information on the school website and Facebook page.


    Best wishes,


    Tom Lloyd

    Head of School

  • Next steps in our RSE curriculum

    Wed 01 Mar 2023

    Dear parents/carers,


    I hope this letter finds you safe and well.


    Many thanks for taking time to respond to the short survey which we sent just before half term regarding our school’s curriculum for sex education. 100% of our parents agreed that school should teach sex education in a 'sensitive and age-appropriate way'.



    What happens next?


    Staff within school have started to consider and work closely on a draft curriculum and ensure there is real clarity in what content (including specific vocabulary) is being taught in which year groups.


    We have shared our draft policy which also includes a simple summary of our proposed RSE curriculum. As you will see, we have suggested a programme of sex education which we feel is both age appropriate and sensitive. These additional elements are highlighted in yellow. It goes without saying that we would welcome your thoughts!


    We would be grateful if all parents could take the time to:
